On 2023-08-25, Jim Garrison via Cygwin wrote:
> On 8/25/2023 00:18, Backwoods BC via Cygwin wrote:
> [snip]
> >
> >I get borders around both active and inactive windows, but then I've
> >spent hours (probably days) messing with registry values in an attempt
> >to gain the kind of UI control that was built into XP. I don't know
> >which change I made that gave me borders, but it is possible.
> >
> [snip]
> In my setup (plain Win11 without registry hacks) the border is
> highlighted on the focused window, and other windows have a much
> fainter border, just enough to be visible when you have multiple
> overlapping minttys with black background.  Not sure if this was
> the case on Win10 as well.

I see that now on my Windows 10 machine.  I don't know why I didn't
notice it before.  Perhaps the accent color was too dark.  I changed
the accent color to white, which doesn't seem to interfere with my
color scheme, and paid more attention to overlapping mintty and gvim
windows (which have black backgrounds), and as you say, it's faint
but there.


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