On Sep  1 06:23, Cedric Blancher via Cygwin wrote:
> Good morning!
> During a Cygwin 3.4.8-1.x86_64 debugging session I noticed something
> odd when I looked at the network traffic generated by one of our
> cluster nodes:
> It seems that for each call to a tool (i.e. starting "sed" from
> "bash") Cygwin searches for *.lnk files.
> Is this correct even when the filesystem in question has native
> symlink support (e.g. NFS)?

Yes.  During file handling, Cygwin doesn't know what filesystem a
file is on until it could actually open the file and request file
and filesystem info from the open handle.  So if Cygwin couldn't open
"foo" because the NtCreateFile call returned with status
STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE, or one of the countless other status codes the
kernel (or the driver) might return in case a file doesn't exist,
it will tack on .lnk and .exe and, for historical reasons, .exe.lnk,
and try again.


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