> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cygwin <cygwin-bounces+dale.lobb=bryanhealth....@cygwin.com>
> On Behalf Of Mark Geisert via Cygwin
> Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 6:32 PM
> To: Cygwin Mailing List <cygwin@cygwin.com>
> Subject: EXTERNAL SENDER: Re: Fork errors
> Dale Lobb via Cygwin wrote:
> >    Since upgrading to the latest version of Cygwin a few weeks ago on a
> server I manage, I've been experiencing an issue with fork errors.  The
> Cygwin installation had not been updated for almost a year before that.
> >
> >    The issue happens every time a script is invoked that purges files from
> some temporary directories, but never in the same place in the script.  The
> script uses multiple calls to find -exec to remove files over 10 days old from
> the directories.  Here is a typical error.  Sometime the issue will assert 
> after
> just a  few tens of files deleted, sometimes after hundreds or thousands of
> files have been deleted:
> >
> >      removed '/cygdrive/d/.../obfuscated.datedata.txt'
> >            1 [main] find 20066 dofork: child -1 - forked process 4068 died
> unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11
> >            find: cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
> >
> >    It also happens randomly at other times.  I've seen the bash shell 
> > itself fail
> on the invocation of a mintty.  I've seen it happen on all sorts of 
> interactive
> commands entered from bash.
> >
> >    Today, as a test, I updated all the installed Cygwin components.  One of
> the post installation scripts failed, so I re-exec'd it:
> >
> >      $ ./postinstall/0p_update-info-dir.dash
> >      Rebuilding info directory
> >          2 [main] dash 2059 dofork: child -1 - forked process 7676 died
> unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000142, errno 11
> >          ./postinstall/0p_update-info-dir.dash: 22: Cannot fork
> >
> >    A second re-exec then worked fine.
> >
> >    I've tried reinstalling all the components, and I've tried rebaseall.
> >
> >    Is there anything else I can try, or troubleshooting steps to take?
> Try the FAQ, specifically
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cygwin.com/faq.html*faq.using.fixing-
> fork-
> failures__;Iw!!PI4dZuVR!iMEVdwUomDN3L1KOsOWkDMmUhiuXarkAyjI6itT-
> BSJ5bcjg65VVWHdP7U5Ny2VaBilIz9R3o6SkMqX3$
> Pay attention to the subtleties of running rebaseall, e.g. make sure no Cygwin
> processes (background server processes or whatnot) are running.  When the
> FAQ gets
> to talking about running setup.exe for this situation, it means close any open
> Cygwin shell windows and manually run the Cygwin Setup program, just
> taking its
> defaults all the way through; you needn't install anything it suggests at this
> time.  The object is to get to Setup's end where it runs a full rebase.
> Speculation: The specific exit code 0xC0000142 may or may not have
> something to do
> with Windows error 142, which is ERROR_BUSY_DRIVE.  I cannot help further
> on this.
> ..mark
> > ________________________________
> >
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> P.S. You've sent your post to a public mailing list so the above notice does 
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> --
> Problem reports:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cygwin.com/problems.html__;!!PI4dZu
> VR!iMEVdwUomDN3L1KOsOWkDMmUhiuXarkAyjI6itT-
> BSJ5bcjg65VVWHdP7U5Ny2VaBilIz9R3o_fDJhhS$
> FAQ:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cygwin.com/faq/__;!!PI4dZuVR!iMEVd
> wUomDN3L1KOsOWkDMmUhiuXarkAyjI6itT-
> BSJ5bcjg65VVWHdP7U5Ny2VaBilIz9R3o5GKnVUD$
> Documentation:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cygwin.com/docs.html__;!!PI4dZuVR!i
> MEVdwUomDN3L1KOsOWkDMmUhiuXarkAyjI6itT-
> BSJ5bcjg65VVWHdP7U5Ny2VaBilIz9R3o2A6MIc4$
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Hi Mark, thanks for the reply!

  I ran though the rebase-trigger process as outlined in the FAQ.
Unfortunately,  there was no difference afterwards.

  One good thing about reading the FAQ, it lead me to
"/usr/share/doc/rebase/README" which has the parameters for the
rebaseall command.  I'm thinking about running rebaseall manually with a
different base address than the default (0x70000000).

Best Regards,

Dale Lobb


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