> Does Cygwin (or Win32) have a function to convert "raw" ASCII IPv6 addresses 
> into *.ipv6-
> literal.net per

If Windows API is documented to have such a function, you should be able find 
it in the w32api package in Cygwin.

As for the "literal" representation, the only "standard" and documented IPv6 
DNS notation is in the
.ip6.arpa domain (the analog for IPv4's "in-addr.arpa").  Microsoft seems to 
have uniquely "enhanced" that
convention to use a more compact notation...  Even though it says it resolves 
internally without DNS on Windows,
this convention is not likely portable (and will cause an actual DNS hit on 
other platforms that do not specially
recognize ".ipv6-literal.net" -- unlike the treatment of ".ip6.arpa").  And a 
likely result of that is going
to be "NXDOMAIN" (domain does not exist).


Anton Lavrentiev
Contractor NIH/NLM/NCBI

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