
I got the right mailing list by not writing to cygwin-apps.
Since my last cygwin update (which upgraded portaudio
to 19.20210406-2) the library does not function properly anymore an no sound playback is possible.

Usually you query portaudio for the various host APIs for and then open a stream. In the past Cygwin's portaudio at least supported output via MME. In the latest version 19.20210406-2 this doesn't work anymore. The only available host API that is reported is OSS, but that doesn't really exist on Windows I assume. My best guess is that the package isn't configured correctly and isn't compiled with the correct support for all the APIs.

I'd be very welcome to get back support for MME. My application is currently unsuable on Cygwin because the library doesn't work. If it's just a matter of correctly configuring the package, I'd be interested in also getting support for the other host APIs that portaudio usually supports on native Windows, but that's entirely optional for me :)

Now that I checked, even downgrading to an older version of portaudio from the Cygwin installer doesn't fix the problem. So perhaps it's not caused by portaudio but from something else in Cygwin. Does anybody have any ideas?

Best regards
Michael Panzlaff

PS: Here is a sample C code which queries the host APIs and which should list MME and definitely not OSS:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <portaudio.h>

int main(void) {
    printf("Pa_Initialize() = %d\n", Pa_Initialize());
    PaHostApiIndex count = Pa_GetHostApiCount();
    printf("%d host APIs available:\n", count);

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        const PaHostApiInfo *info = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(i);
        printf("%s\n", info->name);

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