Hi folks,

I'm having a really hard time debugging this issue.

If I use the exact same version of cygwin and XWin, exact same code, exact same 
Motif GUI app...

I find that when I try to use copy/paste functionality in TextFieldWidgets:

  *Cut/Copy/Paste works perfectly on Windows 7 Professional

  *Cut/Copy/Paste does not work at all and typically crashes on Windows 11 

I am using an older version of cygwin for this specific test (cygwin 1.7.15 and 
XWin 1.13.2-1), but I am having the same issue with the latest version as well.

The fact that the same version works on 1 system and not on another seems to be 
the most important clue here.

Is there some system configuration I can enable to make the clipboard 
integration work on my newer system?

I am launching XWin like this on both systems (with clipboard integration):

run XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error

Any help greatly appreciated!  Seems this must be a system issue since 
everything about the cygwin and XWin is exactly the same on both systems?



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