On 23/09/15 1:59 PM, Andrey Repin via Cygwin wrote:
Greetings, cygwin-ow...@cygwin.com!

It is about 4 months since I lost ability to post to the many mailing lists
from my primary address. Messages are seemingly coming into a blackhole - no
responses, no rejections, nada.
The subscription is working, I'm receiving all mails that are coming through
the list, except my own.
I've tried to contact my service provider and they said the messages are
leaving their system all right.
Can you please check if they are arriving safely?

I've experienced something similar with one or two of the lists I subscribe to. It only happens with a mailing list that shows my personal email address as "From".

I use a mail server, there are DNS MX records that direct my mail to the mail server. I use firefox POP to access the mail server and I send mail with SMTP through the mail server. The email from the mailing list that never makes it to my home firefox is on my mail server (I've looked at the list archive, it's there; I can log in to the mail server and see it there). I suspect that since it has my address as "From" it is not picked up by firefox; either due to a mail server issue or a firefox issue, possibly because I haven't configured something correctly on one or the other.

I think it started when I changed to a different mail server (and I don't want to change again). It hasn't been enough of a problem to spend a lot of time tracking it down. If you do determine what's going on with your email, I'd appreciate hearing about it.


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