On 20.11.2023 23:41, Lee via Cygwin wrote:
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 11:54 AM Matthias wrote:

Unfortunately  I can't find ssh-keygen in the installable packages.
Howto install ssh-keygen or how to create hostkeys?

The easy way to see if it's already installed
   $ which ssh-keygen

If no, Cygwin is a bit of a pain when looking for a program that's
included in another package.

Hi Lee,
cygcheck can help here as it can ask the Cygwin website

$ cygcheck -p bin/ssh-keygen
Found 6 matches for bin/ssh-keygen
openssh-debuginfo-9.3p2-1 - openssh-debuginfo: Debug info for openssh
openssh-debuginfo-9.4p1-1 - openssh-debuginfo: Debug info for openssh
openssh-debuginfo-9.5p1-1 - openssh-debuginfo: Debug info for openssh
openssh-9.3p2-1 - openssh: The OpenSSH server and client programs
openssh-9.4p1-1 - openssh: The OpenSSH server and client programs
openssh-9.5p1-1 - openssh: The OpenSSH server and client programs



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