
On 27/11/2023 7:51 pm, tk--- via Cygwin wrote:
Any idea why this is happening ?

I suspect the reason is related to this long standing understanding of


On 03/09/2004 2:13 am, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Public Key authentication OTOH is *bypassing* the Windows authentication
mechanism, resulting in a very different access token attached to your
session.  For one, there is no password attached and no network credentials,
so you don't have the same automagical access to network shares.  Another
problem is that you didn't even start a logon session from WinNT's point of
view, which has a couple of interesting side effect.

The bottom line is, if you need all the user's access rights use password
authentication.  If that doesn't help, you're out of luck

Hope that helps,

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