On Dec  7 18:02, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via Cygwin wrote:
> Thank you for your prompt reply!
> > TRIM is only enabled on a filesystem, if the underlying drive
> > actually supports TRIM.  The majority of SSDs support it, but not
> > necessarily all SSDs.
> > 
> > The above values, in particular SSINFO_FLAGS_NO_SEEK_PENALTY being
> > FALSE, indicate that your drive is actually not an SSD, but a rotating
> > harddisk, or it's an SSD which fakes to be a rotating harddisk.
> Well, I don't have any rotating HHDs in my computer.  4 of my SSDs report 
> this:
> TRIM Command:  Supported (Deterministic Read After TRIM, Words = 0)
> and the last one (an older drive, indeed) report this:
> TRIM Command:  Supported (Indeterminate Read After TRIM)
> But my C: drive (where Cygwin is installed) is a newer drive (one of those 4).
> That's odd.

Yes, it is.  But getVolInfo can only print what it gets from the OS,
so I don't see what could be changed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I was mulling over the idea that accessing the drive from remote might
be the culprit, but I just tested accessing the SSD in my laptop from
my Windows 11 VM, and it turns out that it works just as if the drive
is local:

  $ /usr/lib/csih/getVolInfo.exe //pinky/c\$/cygwin64
  Device Type        : 0x07
  Characteristics    : 0x00000010
    FILE_REMOTE_DEVICE                : TRUE
  Volume Name        : <>
  Serial Number      : 1056954926
  Max Filenamelength : 255
  Filesystemname     : <NTFS>
  Flags              : 0x00c706ff
  SectorInfoFlags    : 0x0f

Having said that, if you or anybody else find out why this happens
and, ideally, how to workaround it, I'm all ears.


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