On Jan 18 06:52, Cedric Blancher via Cygwin wrote:
> Good morning!
> Could Cygwin package the ms-nfs41-client (NFSv4 client with Cygwin
> support), please?

A few points:

- There is no person called "Cygwin", really.  We're *all* volunteers
  here.  So if you want to get a certain package into the Cygwin distro,
  roll up your sleeve, read https://cygwin.com/packages.html, volunteer
  as package maintainer, and create your Cygwin distro package.

- The Cygwin distro is the wrong place for packaging drivers.  The
  driver doesn't depend on Cygwin.  Cygwin is just a convenient way
  to access files on the share. 
  Stuff like that should be packaged with *signed* driver, as MSI
  package or using some kind of standalone installer via its website.

- The fact that the driver is not signed at all and requires secure boot
  switched off and testsigning switched on for the entire time of its
  usage is not exactly a point in favor of it being used in a non-testing

- Apart from the installer script not being up to speed in quite a few
  ways, it changes a couple of global OS settings, which it shouldn't do
  without asking the administrator.  Global symlink settings may be
  enforced via policy.  Setting LongPathsEnabled might break older
  applications and is not at all required for Cygwin.  Stopping and
  disabling an unrelated service as well as enabling kernel debug
  settings affecting the system performance are no-nos.  Basically the
  same thing as with case sensitivity.  We don't enable that without
  asking, it's the user's decision:


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