Hi! ----
While implementing chown/chgrp support in the ms-nfs41-client (Windows NFSv4.1 client filesystem driver) I encountered an issue with group names. I tried a simple $ chgrp CurrentSession myfile #, which returned "Permission denied". OK, /usr/bin/id -a shows that the current user is a member of this group, so I added a new group called "CurrentSession" to the NFSv4.1 server side ([1]). But that did not work either, /usr/bin/chgrp # still failed. Enabling debug output (see https://nrubsig.kpaste.net/ed343a8) I saw something weird: The filesystem driver gets the group as SID, but converting this SID back into a Windows Account name (which is used as NFSv4 group name string) returned "LogonSessionId_0_111590", NOT "CurrentSession". 1. Why is this happening ? Who or what defines "CurrentSession" ? 2. Why does $ getent group LogonSessionId_0_111590 # not work, even if this is a legal Windows account name ? 3. $ getent -w group CurrentSession # has "NT AUTHORITY\LogonSessionId_0_111590" as a field value, but neither "LogonSessionId_0_111590" nor "NT AUTHORITY\LogonSessionId_0_111590" return matches when passed to $ getent -w group ... # - is this intended ? [1]=Unlike NFSv2/NFSv3 the NFSv4 protocol uses user and group names as strings, and no longer uses integer values. So usernames and group names must match, not no longer the |uid_t|/|gid_t| values. That can be used to avoid |uid_t|/|gid_t| collisions, and allows "identify mapping", e.g. via a idmapd daemon. ---- Bye, Roland -- __ . . __ (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.ma...@nrubsig.org \__\/\/__/ MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer /O /==\ O\ TEL +49 641 3992797 (;O/ \/ \O;) -- Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple