On Feb 23 09:10, Dan Shelton via Cygwin wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 at 21:45, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin
> <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Feb 20 17:24, Dan Shelton via Cygwin wrote:
> > > On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 at 10:57, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin
> > > <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > On Feb 20 05:13, Dan Shelton via Cygwin wrote:
> > > > > Hello!
> > > > >
> > > > > I think I found a rather nasty bug:
> > > > > 1. Add a new group with "net localgroup mygrp1 /add"
> > > > > 2. Then list all groups with "getent group", the new group mygrp1 will
> > > > > not show up. "getent group mygrp1" will list it, but this is useless
> > > > > in my case, as I need the group listed by "getent group"
> > > >
> > > > I guess we can rule out a domain controller but is this a standalone
> > > > machine or a domain member machine?
> > >
> > > Standalone test machine, stock Windows 10 installed 2 days ago,
> > > current patches, Cygwin 3.5 from 2 days ago.
> > >
> > > >
> > > > What's the setting of your /etc/nsswitch.conf?
> > >
> > > Only comments in that file, i.e. empty
> >
> > Please set the db_enum: line to
> >
> >   db_enum: all
> >
> > and try again after exiting from the shell window.  Have a look at
> > https://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/ntsec.html#ntsec-mapping-nsswitch
> > for the settings.  By default account enumeration only returns
> > the bare minimum for speed.
> >
> > Btw, there *is* a bug in that code, but it affects only domain
> > menber machines, afaics.
> I saw you did a couple of commits related to "getent group". Is any of
> these commits fixing the problem that a new Win32 local group created
> with "net localgroup mygrp1 /add"  does not show up in the output of
> "getent group"?

Did you read my previous reply and tried what I wrote?


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