On 03/03/2024 14:42, Christian Franke via Cygwin wrote:
Setup 2.930 does not set the 'user_picked' flag in /etc/setup/installed.db if a package has been selected with the -P option instead of the chooser dialog.

An installation could be replicated by extracting a list of 'user_picked' packages from installed.db and pass it via -P to setup. But in this new installation, all non-Base packages will appear in "Unneeded" view then.

I guess this is not a regression but longstanding behavior.

Hmm... I certainly envisioned it working that way when I added recording user_picked (See comments on [1], [2]), but I can believe it's got broken at some point...

[1] https://cygwin.com/cgit/cygwin-apps/setup/commit/?id=f6d6c600edffdb83a57ed13384e38a504fdc366b [2] https://cygwin.com/cgit/cygwin-apps/setup/commit/?id=dbd295e75edfadd5fc6feebe11b482cd672575cf

No patch provided for now as I don't know the best way to change this.

But yes, this is definitely a bug!

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