On Mar  6 14:22, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin wrote:
> On Mar  5 19:54, Marcin Wisnicki via Cygwin wrote:
> > If I invoke ls or anything else that does stat inside OneDrive folder
> > it will trigger download of all files.
> > 
> > OneDrive uses placeholder files[1] to represent remote files.
> > 
> > I'm guessing reading file content in stat is to support detection of
> > actually executable files as in here[2]?
> > 
> > I think this should be disabled on non-hydrated placeholder files.
> > Running `find` or 'ls -R` and having your entire OneDrive downloaded
> > is extremely problematic.
> > 
> > I could live without executable scripts in the OneDrive folder and
> > it's easy to mark files as always offline to solve it.
> > 
> > Another idea is to skip checking files with extensions known to be
> > non-executable such as jpg (or just any extensions that is not known
> > to be executable).
> Nothing of this makes sense from a POSIX library POV.  The library can
> either not handle placeholder files specially, as today, or it can
> handle them all the same way.
> Given these placeholder files are actually reparse points of type
> IO_REPARSE_TAG_FILE_PLACEHOLDER, we can handle them as symbolic links.
> However, the structure of the IO_REPARSE_TAG_FILE_PLACEHOLDER reparse
> data buffer is undocumented.  It would be helpful if somebody using
> OneDrive would examine the content of the attached REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER.
> > [2] 
> > https://github.com/msys2/msys2-runtime/blob/msys2-3.4.10/winsup/cygwin/fhandler/disk_file.cc#L548
> The NtReadFile call at this point is not the problem.  It would be
> helpful to point to Cygwin's source instead of MSYS2, btw.

Oh, btw., this is from


    Used by Windows Shell for legacy placeholder files in Windows 8.1.
    Server-side interpretation only, not meaningful over the wire.

So even if we support them, what is their replacement in W10 and later?


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