On 01/06/2024 16:24, Dave Trombley via Cygwin wrote:
Meson appears to be two majore versions behind in cygwin (1.2.3 is latest
available, 1.4.0 was released mid-March this year).

Major projects are starting to not be compilable on Cygwin, consequently,
short of manually building a custom meson that is up to date (for example,
libcairo requires 1.3).

Are there plans to update this at some point?

The "plan" is "when I get around to it"

Thanks for the reminder, though. It seems I overlooked meson 1.3.x, so I've updated the package today.

(I don't usually package 1.n.x until 1.n+1.0 is available, because historically .0 releases of meson have had a high chance of containing regressions, although things are better these days...)

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