Hello, Fellow Curmudgeons,

I think we're really getting the tag-team meanness down to a fine art, aren't we?

Or is it "good cop / bad cop?"

It has recently come to my attention that some people think the Cygwin list is exceptionally unfriendly to the uninitiated. Of course, I'd just like to think we hold a higher standard.


At 09:12 2003-02-14, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
* Tom Dager (03-02-14 17:37 +0100)
> I am VERY new to Cygwin, though not to Linux.

bash has nothing to do with Linux, it's a GNU thing.

> I [...] was wondering how do I get it so that I can copy and paste something
> from a windows window [...] into the bash shell window.

This is a FAQ and has nothing to do with bash nor Cygwin: you can copy
and paste like in any other Cmd.exe/Command.com window.

If you're using rxvt (although this isn't Cygwin related, too):


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