On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 04:08:15PM -0800, Rick Rankin wrote:
>> I was also thinking of creating a '/dev/tty' file in the archive which
>> was just a real file containing the words "Hey! What are YOU DOING???" I
>> think that would cause a tar extraction to print that message to the
>> screen.  Don't know what it would do to setup.exe, though.
>I think I'm confused. If you do this, then every time we run tar we'd see "Hey!
>What are YOU DOING???" unless we removed /dev/tty? If so, it seems to me like
>that would be annoying and it would be a pain to have remember to go remove
>/dev/tty after every time we run setup to *avoid* that message.  

Um, no.  You'd get the message every time you extracted one of cygwin's package
files using normal tar.  If you read what I wrote again, you'll see that I was
talking about changing the archive as in the tar file, not tar itself.

Actually, just creating a file named 'con' would probably be easier.


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