> I cannot display any man pages on my newly installed cygwin
> When I do: man ps
> I got:
> "No manual entry for ps"
> MANPATH was not set and I set it to /usr/man
> I checked that /usr/man/man1/ps.1.gz is present
> I saw a /etc/man.config. How to tell man to read this man.config?

man(1) has a search order of


So it will get checked. As you say you already have /usr/man/man1/ps.1.gz ,
so you have installed the cygwin-doc package (?). What is the ouput of the

$ cygcheck -c cygwin-doc |grep cygwin-doc
$ ls -al /usr/man/man1/ps.1.gz
$ which man

If the first command (the cygcheck one) doesn't return any output then you
don't have the package installed or there was an error when it was
installed. Return to setup.exe and reinstall the cygwin-doc package. And if
the third command third command (which man) doesn't return either /bin/man
or /usr/bin/man then your not using man(1) distributed with cygwin (some
package I had in my path distributed a man prog so...just checking).

Btw, you should't need to modify/set MANPATH unless you have installed
packages with manual pages that are in non-standard places.


Elfyn McBratney

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