> At 11:21 2003-02-15, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
> > > Wow. Classic Cygwin humor, number 1 on Google!
> >
> >I think something's wildly wrong with the world when my handful of crusty old
> >pages end up as the #1 Cygwin hit on Google. ;-)  I can assure everybody that
> >I've done nothing to try to make that the case.
> >
> > > Did you notice the copyright holder for these pages?
> >
> >Um... a... hehehe... well ya see... ;-)
> >
> > > I still think APHC's joke show is funnier.
> >
> >Uhhg... you are one sick man Mr. Schulz. ;-)
> Is that one of those pot / kettle things?

Only if you think "The Three Stooges" is not the pinnacle of human humorous

> After all, you can't spell "Sickle" without "sick."

Touche, mon ami, touche!

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.

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