On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 09:16:16AM -0800, Eduardo Osorio Armenta wrote:
> I have some troubles with 
> info
> a lot of packages show their information
> but not the all
> that i have under
> /usr/info
> for example binutils.info


This happens because some misbehaved packages overwrite the
"dir" file (for cygwin, /usr/info/dir) with their own. This has
come up several times and so there is now a update-info-dir
package that should take care of this. See if

ls /etc/postinstall/update-info-dir.sh*

reports that the file is there and if it has a ".done" extension.
If not you may need to re-run setup.exe, or the file directly, like this:

sh /etc/postinstall/update-info-dir.sh

Note that you can always run info or pinfo directly on an info file like:

info -f /usr/info/binutils.info


pinfo -f /usr/info/binutils.info

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