Try using esc .  that says repeat the last command.
if you want to repeat it more then once then use esc 10 .
That is dot not a period  by the way.  This is the way all
current varents of vi work that I have found.
This will repeat either commands or text input.. depends on
what your last keys pressed were.

On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 09:37:32AM -0800, Randall R Schulz wrote:
> Daniel,
> I don't know if this is obsolete information or not, but back in the 
> old Vi (not Vim) days, one could type NUL while in input mode to repeat 
> the most recently typed input sequence. Ever since the days of real 
> terminals has passed (at least for use in everyday programming work) 
> I've figured this was a lost feature, since I could never figure out 
> how to type a NUL.
> If this change doesn't muck up anything else, I'd welcome it.
> Randall Schulz
> P.S. Your English requires no apologies (except that "English" is capitalized).
> At 23:39 2003-03-09, COTTO Daniel FTRD/DMI/CAE wrote:
> >Hi ,
> >
> >I have made a patch to the cygwin1.dll .
> >Its main purpose is to allow a nul character to be input from a french 
> >keyboard. Also this patch adds some othre functions keys. If you are 
> >interrested you have the diff file from the official cygwin-1.3.20-1 
> >
> >
> >the binding added are:
> >* ctrl-spc: nul character
> >* ctrl-f1 through ctrl-f10: \e7~ through \e16~
> >* alt-f1 through alt f10: \e[38~ through \e[47~
> >* app key binded to: \e[50~
> >* ctrl-tab and alt tab bind to esc tab.
> >* and some other minor binding; (see the attachment).
> >
> >If you want, you can use this patch and you can add it to a 
> >next  version of cygwin1.dll.
> >
> >Daniel.
> >
> >P.S. sory for my bad english.
> --
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