Napísané dňa 2003.03.11 23:18, (autor: Tom Roche):
> Is there a cygwinized XSL processor? What I mean, why I ask:
> Occasionally I need to strip cruft out of a bunch (~1k) of xml files.
> Since they're distributed throughout a filesystem, and some additional
> processing is required, I use a bash script to get the input files.
> Feeding them to the processor should be trivial, but unfortunately the
> only command-line XSL processors I know about are Instant Saxon (from
> ) and Xalan (from
> ). Instant Saxon is native windows, which is nice for this
> application, except that it chokes on the cygwin paths emitted by my
> script. Running Xalan from the commandline (like
> java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in <file> -xsl <file> -out <file>
> ) would involve running a java, which (I suspect) would also choke on
> cygwin paths. As a result, my script does a lot of path translations
> like
> cygpath="/g/eclipse/builds/20030311_1000-WB210-AD-V51D-W2/eclipse/plugins"
> winpath="g:\\eclipse\\builds\\20030311_1000-WB210-AD-V51D-W2\\eclipse\\plugins"
> and it doesn't iterate over the paths. (Not a big deal, but it offends
> my software aesthetics :-)
> If I had a cygwinized XSL processor I wouldn't hafta do this. Does
> anyone know where I can get one?

What about xsltproc (a part of the libxslt package)?


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