>From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>On Tue, 11 Mar 2003, Jason Tishler wrote:
>> [snip]
>> However, Cygwin setup.exe's cache should have all previous versions
>> installed including PostgreSQL unless one deletes them.  
>Hence, the old
>> PostgreSQL version should still have been available for the pg_dump
>> phase.
>>   Jason
>Not if it's not present in the newly downloaded setup.ini, I don't

No, unless the user takes steps to clean out the download directory (with
Michael Chase's clean_setup.pl script, for example) all previously
downloaded tarballs persist.  

Being able to installing one of those previous tarballs with setup is
another story, though.  One way that I know of is to force setup to put the
packages of interest into the Misc category.


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