> Ok, well this is 'not good' :}.
> At what point does it crash?

At start before any window appears.
Shuttting down cygwin services made no difference.
let me know if there is any more i can do to help the problem.

> Assuming it crashes straight after download screen - can you do a few
> things for me?
> Firstly, I note that you have a lot of background cygwin processes -
> inetd, ssh, cygrunsrv etc. Can you shut them all down?
> Now, put setup through a few upgrades/reinstalls and see if it still
> crashes.
> If it doesn't, then we know where to look for the possible bug.
> If it still crashes, or if it's crashing elsewhere than
> after-the-download, can you provide a step by step journal of your
> choices in setup to help us reproduce the problem ( if we can't
> reproduce it, we can't fix it in any reasonable timeframe).
> Thanks for the feedback,
> Rob
> -- 
> GPG key available at: <http://users.bigpond.net.au/robertc/keys.txt>.

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