nobody is perfect ;)
now lets be friends again and make the world a better place with OpenSource
Software - ok ?


--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded Message ---
Date: 27 Mar 2003 20:47:26 +1100
From: Robert Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Another GPL violation: Re:
Minimalistic    Build-Environmentforwin32 (~7.5MB)

> On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 20:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > On the rockbox mailinglist i used a VALID email address
> for_spam seemed invalid at first glance - it *appears* to be a black
> hole address. 
> >  - and on my win32
> > sdk page is a VALID
> > email adress, too.
> I didn't see that. I stumbled across your posting about the binaries
> whilst searching for something in the cygwin mailing lists - pure
> chance.
> >  It would have been no problem to have me contacted and
> > told me personally "hey - you don`t adhere to the GPL - please fix
> that".
> > 
> > Instead of that, i`ve been somewhat  "pilloried" on this mailinglist -
> an
> d
> > that`s what made me
> > angry and my answers somewhat "defiant".
> It was never my intention to pillory (sic?) you. I didn't realise your
> address was valid, and when we discussed privately, it was only after
> you suggested that the GPL was not clear that I figured other folk here
> might be more clear - and ASKED you before posting back to the list.
> Rob
> -- 
> GPG key available at: <>.

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