Hello list,

I have searched but have been unable to solve the following problem:

Can win98 access /dev/sda directly? the article here suggests that only NT+
can do this???

I want to be able to run the the perl scripts here:
http://www.nal.ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/~oosaki/akaitools/ in cygwin under
win98. The scripts require block level access to my scsi drives e.g

>export AKAI_DISK

I have only been able to access the device (a scsi iomega zip 100 in this
case) via /cygdrive/d but this isn't sufficient access to the drive. The
author of the script says I need:

2. Find the block device file for the attached HDD/CD-ROM (e.g., /dev/sda or
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0p0). Please note that you should use entire disk (e.g.,
/dev/sda) instead of disk partition (e.g., /dev/sda1).

I have the script running on a slackware zipslack distribution in dos but
this requires me to exit windows. If anyone can shed any light then I would
be very grateful.


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