> On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 17:43, Mark Moore wrote:
> > Christopher,
> > 
> > I've read the http://cygwin.com/lists.html.  Here's the 
> description for the
> > mailing list I posted to:
> ...
> > The passage "[cygwin-apps] is the preferred location for 
> design discussions
> > and bug reports regarding cygwin's setup.exe program" 
> prompted me to send
> > the post to the cygwin-apps forum.
> > 
> > If this is no longer the case, someone may want to change 
> the instructions.
> What you posted has nothing to do with setup.exe.

Unless you're familiar with setup.exe, it's an honest mistake -
he saw what he thought was a setup problem, and in the Windows
world, this generally means a problem with the installer


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