Hallo Tom,

> --v-v------------------C-U-T---H-E-R-E-------------------------v-v--
> bash-2.05b$ uname -r
> 1.3.22(0.78/3/2)
> bash-2.05b$ printf "\n"|perl -pe '1;'|od -a
> 0000000  cr  nl
> 0000002
> bash-2.05b$ perl -v|grep 'This is'
> This is perl, v5.8.0 built for cygwin-multi-64int

$ printf "\n"|perl -pe '1;'|od -a
0000000  nl
$ perl -v|grep 'This is'
This is perl, v5.8.0 built for cygwin-multi-64int

I fixed it now, will do some additional testing now and load it up to
the mirrors then.


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