When you convert a relative path to absolute using cygpath.exe
and it has ".." (backup one dir) in it, it goofs up in a particular
"to Unix" case, but not the "to Windows" case.  I checked the
FAQ, did a google and couldn't find any knowledge of this bug.

My Cygwin is installed under c:\cygwin and I have the latest
Cygwin installed (enter tree installed fresh, Cygwin DLL 1.3.22-1
from Mar 18, 2003 release).

Works Properly:
bash-2.05b> cygpath.exe -a -u "A/B/./.."

Does Not Work:
bash-2.05b> cygpath.exe -a -u "A/B/.//.."

Works Properly:
bash-2.05b> cygpath.exe -a -w "A/B/.//.."

This bug manifests itself when the path has the follow: 1. Is relative, not absolute already. 2. Has "//" before the ".." 3. Has "/." before the "//"

Curtis Siemens

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