so updatedb actually creates and index for you???
Would you mind sending me the output of your "cygcheck.exe -v -s -r -c",
perhaps I could compare them and find something there...
Also, I noticed that it seeks the floppy whenever I do updatedb (which is
strange coz it isn't mounted and I supposed find should have "known" this).
Does it seek the floppy on your machine too?

thanks and sorry if you found my post rude - i was just getting desperate...
like i said.

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 7:27 PM
To: Alexander Enchevich
Cc: cygwin
Subject: Re: /usr/bin/find: . changed during execution of /usr/bin/find

Alexander Enchevich wrote:
> Hi all
> This is the third time I am posting this problem and I got no response so
> far so I am getting desperate. I guess next time I should try some idiotic
> subject like "help" or "question" - these seem to draw attention... :)
> Anyway here's the problem:
> ---------------------------------
> When I run 'updatedb' it exits immediately with this message:
> "/usr/bin/find: . changed during execution of /usr/bin/find"
> Output from  "cygcheck.exe -v -s -r -c" is  attached... 

People aren't *required* to answer your posts you know.  This isn't a
paid support line.  If you don't get any responses, it's possible that
no one here has seen such a problem or can think of something relevant
to offer.  Sorry.  Them's just the breaks.

Looking at your cygcheck output, nothing obvious seems wrong.  I wasn't
able to reproduce your problem.  Perhaps the results of strace may point
you in the right direction for your diagnosis.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


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