Hallo Don,

> This update breaks the usage of binmode(FH).  I am sure that:

>> News:  Changes: - Moved Cygwin to the non DOSish platforms.

> is the main reason.   Last time I was in the perl sources, I saw that
> perl only expected two types of file opens; text or binary.  However
> cygwin supports 3: default, text, and binary.

> I would expect that declaring cygwin to be like VOS (text open is
> different then binary open; but do not change end of line handling)
> would be the fix.

Where and what to apply?  Do you have a patch handy for me to test

> I have also found that | some times does things to end of lines also.

> Here is output of some tests that I ran to validate this issue (tests
> are available via direct e-mail):

Yes, please send me your tests.


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