Looking through the archives and searching the 'net, it looks like
most people want to disable the bell in CYGWIN.  In my case, I find the
bell coming through my PC's speaker annoying, but only because it's not
coming out of my audio card.  I would prefer to be able to have the beep
passed through my audio card and, ideally, allow the selection of what
sound file (e.g. .WAV) would be played.  ...Possible?

             Michael T. Davis              |    Systems Specialist: ChE,MSE
  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | Departmental Networking/Computing
           -or- [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |     The Ohio State University
http://www.er6.eng.ohio-state.edu/~davism/ |     197 Watts, (614) 292-6928

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