> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sun, Jun 22, 2003 11:39a
> I don't know what you mean by "beta".  If you mean packages installed
> when you press the "Exp" radio button in setup, then that's
> how it works.
> You pick "Exp" to install any experimental versions of software that
> you already have installed or decide you want to install.  You select
> "Curr" for updating everything else.  They're mutually exclusive.
> Practically, if you want to update your system to all the latest plus
> the experimental versions, update to the "Curr" list and then
> rerun setup
> and update to the "Exp" list.  This will get you what you want, if I'm
> interpreting your goals properly.
        Yes -- you are, but my point was that might it not be the case that
experimental versions would normally be built against the latest release --
and might behave unpredictably if you were to upgrade to an experimental
version and not have the latest of other packages installed?   Or does
setup support minimum version required (i.e. exp package foo can require
1.3 of glib instead of 1.0 where 1.3 is the current release).

        It just seems like it would be safer for "Exp" to select the newest of
(current,exp) and compare to installed and base the upgrade on that. No?


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