On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 02:13:31PM -0400, Jason Tishler wrote:
> s/Tischler/Tishler/
Sorry ;-)

> > LocalSystem" user. I don't know what OS Jason is talking about as there
> > is no such user "LocalSystem" on WinXP (yet XP is decended from NT).
> The built-in Windows "LocalSystem" account maps to the Cygwin "SYSTEM"
> user.
> > So in the /etc/proftpd.conf file I have lines like:
> > 
> >   User      SYSTEM
> >   Group     Administrators
> The above should be correct.
> > but when I try to run proftpd, it refuses to start because it won't
> > change user context. The user I run Cygwin as apparently doesn't have
> > sufficient perms to change user context like this.
> Did you install proftpd as a NT service via cygrunsrv as indicated in
> the README?

Yes. In brief, I did. Followed the instructions to the letter.

Then when it didn't work, i wanted to run in in non-detached
(undaemon-ized) mode so that I could try to understand where it was
failing. Nothing i tried got it to work: neither doing it the "usual"
way (starting it as an NT service via cygrunsrv) nor trying to watch it
run stand-alone.

>     http://www.tishler.net/jason/software/proftpd/proftpd-1.2.9rc1.README
> > I don't know how to add such rights to the account: the user IS (*IS*
> > *IS* *IS*) an "Administrator" on the local system (was created that
> > way).
> See my next post.
> > Can anyone loan me a clue about what can be done to fix this, i.e. give
> > my user account sufficient perms to run proftpd as "SYSTEM"?
> You should be able to run proftpd under SYSTEM on XP Home.  However, I
> do not have access to XP Home so I cannot verify this hypothesis.
> BTW, can you run other daemons such as inetd or sshd on this box?
Not sure, I haven't tried yet.
   Soren A.
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