I have exactly the same problem as Toscani describes. Last week I did a routine update 
on my Cygwin packages, and my Cygwin CVS client (which worked fine the previous day) 
could not authenticate with the server any more. The "login" command works fine, but 
any subsequent operations fail to authenticate. Furthermore, the server error message 
is garbled, as if a CR/LF problem occurred.
Client: Cygwin on WinXP
Server: Redhat (not sure of the version)
Authentication: Plain pserver, no SSH.
Judging from Patrick's response (who uses WinCVS, and not Cygwin CVS) the problem lies 
somewhere in the Cygwin CVS client, not in Cygwin SSH.
--- in response to: ---
Works like a charm here, both for binmode and textmode mounts.
My system: Win2k, WinCVS and Cygwin SSH
The problem mentioned in your mailing list reference was fixed long time ago.
Do your line endings change as well if you scp a textfile from your client to your 
server? If yes, then we have indeed an ssh issue on WinXP platforms. Otherwise your 
problem must lie somewhere else.

--- in response to: ---

Hey folx...currently using OpenSSH under CygWin on an XP box to communicate with a CVS 
server on a Linux box. Recently upgraded my CygWin installation (1.3.22(0.78/3/2), 
including OpenSSH to v3.6.1p1 (the latest available under CygWin), and now CVS 
client/server communications over SSH (CVS_RSH=ssh) don't work.
I've tracked the problem deep enough to suspect that SOMETHING in CygWin converts LF 
to CR+LF line terminators across SSH. This pretty much hoses CVS client/server 
communications, as the CVS server interprets all incoming lines as byte strings 
including a CR at the end (it treats LF as the actual terminator)...especially bad for 
pathname interpretation, but lots of other things may be affected as well. I've tried 
altering the CVS server code to eat the extra CRs, but too many other things break 
(including file data exchange I'd bet...can't tell which CRs are valid data and which 
are inserted by the system) for that to be effective.
Found a reference in the mailing list archives to a similar problem someone was having 
last October, but the solution was to install a snapshot from that time period which 
seems to be no longer available. I'm wondering if the fix for this issue never found 
its way into more recent versions of the CygWin system components? I've upgraded CVS 
on both client and server, but based on my testing, I don't think CVS itself is adding 
the CRs...please flame if I'm wrong on that one. <g> Not sure what else to do right 
now but do without version control for a bit...any better ideas?
- Toscani 

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