Soren A wrote:

> Where does this distinction between the letter "%l" (that's percent-symbol
> followed by alphabetic letter "L" in lowercase) and the string of tokens
> "%1" (that's percent-1, numeral "one" symbol), come from? Is this some
> in(f|t)ernal MS Windows Registry thing? ;-)

I haven't been able to find a good reference for this, but the windows
shell passes command line parameters in %1 %2 %3 ... etc.  You can use
%* to mean "all parameters."  I think by default it tries to use
short-filenames in some cases, and so %L means the same as %1 except it
uses long file names.  There are others, like %I which I think passes a
CLSID of some kind.

I've searched the platform SDK in vain for a reference to this stuff,
the above is what I've been able to piece together.  Anyone know of a
better source?


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