poff wrote:

> -I tried -fn Terminal but that didn't work. How can I load the Windows
> Terminal font instead of this rather thin and small one?

Try '-fn FixedSys'.  I prefer '-fn "Lucida Console-11"' personally.

> -How can I get the del key to work and not show "~" instead

In .inputrc:

"\M-[3~": delete-char

> -How can I get the backspace key to work where SOMETIMES it's shown as ^H

Please read /usr/doc/Cygwin/rxvt-n.n.n.README

> ps. I'll write all this up sometime on poff.sixbit.org as an alternative
> terminal "software" (ssh etc.) but no zmodem receive :(

Now that takes me back.  Fire up the old 2400 baud modem and Chuck
Forsberg's (sp?) "rz" Zmodem.


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