> No, No, No! This is a test package released for Cygwin 1.5.0 
> and is not
> compatible with Cygwin version 1.3.* . Unless someone has the 
> package to send to
> you, you'll have to wait (which shouldn;t be too long).

OK, so where do I get the 1.3 package that all the PostGreSQL install
pages talk about?

Kevin Jones

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elfyn McBratney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 19 July 2003 08:58
> To: guenter strubinsky
> Cc: 'Kevin Jones'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: CygIPC
> On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, guenter strubinsky wrote:
> > http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/cygwin/release/cygipc/
> >
> > > I'm trying to get PostGreSQL to run under Cygwin and need 
> to get cygipc
> > > from 
> http://www.neuro.gatech.edu/users/cwilson/cygu> tils/cygipc/ 
> and I
> > > can't connect to the site.
> > >
> > > 
> Does anybody have a copy of this package they could please send to me,
> > > or let me know where the latest version is available.
> Elfyn
> -- 
> Elfyn McBratney, EMCB  |  http://www.nongnu.org/wwwauth/
> http://www.emcb.co.uk  |  http://www.emcb.co.uk/webauth/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |  wwwauth-users AT nongnu DOT org

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