I get this in the win app error log:

Event Type:     Error
Event Source:   cron
Event Category: None
Event ID:       0
Date:           7/21/2003
Time:           2:14:08 AM
User:           BILLHOME\Administrator
Computer:       BILLHOME
The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( cron ) cannot be found. The
local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message
DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The following
information is part of the event: cron : PID 2276 : starting service `cron'
failed: execv: 0, No error.

While trying to start the service as Administrator (or from LocalSytems
account). I rm'd /var/run/cron.pid and /var/log/cron.log before trying to

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