Miguel Arturo Diaz Lopez wrote:
> Hello CYGWIN Team, Why happen this ?, What should i do? :
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> The CYGWIN1.DLL version its:  1.3.22-dontuse-21
> The archive LS:EXE its linked to a CYGWIN1.DLL:__getreent
> that doesn't exists

Don't install testing packages unless you understand why they aren't current

You have a testing version of fileutils installed, which is linked against
cygwin 1.5.0, but you have 1.3.22 installed.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> The archive PASSWD:EXE its linked to a NETAPI32.DLL:NetApiBufferFree
> that doesn't exists

passwd.exe is not for Win9x/Me.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> at the time to execute cygcheck -s  or  info ls  appears:
> the program try to execute an invalid instruction
> fail located at:  0028:0017
> Interrupts in service: Nothing

No idea.

> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> When i load for example the CYGNCURSES7.DLL with the Dependency Walker,
> it appears the following unresolved parent imports, for the CYGWIN1.DLL:
> Hint Function
> 27  (0x001B) __getreent
> 201 (0x00C9) _fopen64
> 354 (0x0162) _lseek64
> 389 (0x0185) _open64
> 508 (0x01FC) _stat64

Again, you have installed a testing package. Revert to current.


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