I am having a problem with trying to sort a pipe-delimited file using
the cygwin sort command from a dos batch file.  If I enter the command
in cygwin environment, it works fine:

     sort -t \| -k 3 -k 11 -k 12 -o sortedfile.txt unsortedfile.txt

But I have problems running it from a dos batch file.  It appears to
work in Windows XP but not in Windows 2000.  The command in the batch
file is:

     bash -c "sort -t \| -k 3 -k 11 -k 12 -o sortedfile.txt

In Win XP it executes without a problem, but in Win 2000, I get a
message the says, "Input file specified two times," as if it does not
recognize the -o option.  If I put the sort command in an echo, I get
the results I would expect, so the -o is not lost:

     bash -c "echo sort -t \| -k 3 -k 11 -k 12 -o sortedfile.txt

Rearranging the arguements and adding extra escape characters in various
combinations don't seem to help.

Any ideas, please?

Lisbeth Kellogg
Office: 651-675-2610

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