On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Menon, Girish (MED, WIPRO-GE MED) wrote:

> Does anybody know of any issues that cygwin 1.3.22 has with NTFS?
> Here's what happened.
> So far, I have been using cygwin 1.3.10 on NTFS with no problems.
> Recently, I upgraded cygwin to 1.3.22 and all of a sudden I am starting
> to get permission errors with NTFS. I then reloaded by system and
> configured as FAT32 instead of NTFS. Now everything works fine. No
> permission problems at all. So I reloaded with NTFS now. Now again, I am
> getting the permissions problems. 

I can't remember exactly what version the behaviour changed but, Cygwin went to 
ntsec off by default (your NTFS bliss) to ntsec on by default. So, adding 
'nontsec' to your CYGWIN environment variable should fix that for you.


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