I encounter strange things with ssh. I have a configfile under 

-rw-------    1 BA3759       1.1k Aug 20 17:34 config
-rw-------    1 BA3759        887 Aug 20 17:00 id_rsa

It contains lines like this:

host utah
   User abu
   IdentityFile   /home/.ssh/id_rsa

Using 'ssh utah' does not work, I get prompted for the password for 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] But strange enough, 'ssh -F $HOME/.ssh/config utah' does 
work. $HOME/.ssh/config should be the default for the config file, but 
obviousely it isn't???

OpenSSH_3.6.1p1, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090702f
Cygwin DLL version info:   DLL version: 1.3.22
Regards, Achim

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