In the case of sftp, It would make more sense that the client be the one to support it.
However, if the user never has to get a directory listing, and/or the directory is 
cluttered with many files, the client would be doing a lot of work for nothing.  I 
finally got the chance to sftp from a linux box to a linux box, and as I suspected, 
there is NO completion.  So I wouldn't expect sftp-server for cygwin to work.  
However, I like the client idea, even if it does require more client work.  So I will 
look for one.
Yes, it is true, I'm using sftp for security reasons, but also because it only uses 
ONE port, very useful for tunneling.
"now ncftp is yet another ftp client" - actually "yafc" is yet another ftp client and 
it works pretty good, but doesn't support sftp.  ncftp doesn't support it either. But I'll keep looking.

Andrew DeFaria wrote:
jwaterbrook wrote:

 > That's what I was fishing for. and the comment about sh and cmd not
 > supporting it was exactly what I was wondering (I just didn't know it
 > yet :) ). "shell at home is bash with completion set up" - I guess my
 > next question is what did you have to do to set it up besides just
 > using the executable?

While it is true that it is the remotely running shell that may or may
not provide filename completion, jwaterbrook is not running a shell
session - he's running an ftp session (I assume that sftp is secure ftp).

Now ncftp is yet another ftp client and it does provide for filename
completion with the tab key. How exactly it does it I don't know (I
suspect in response to a tab character for filename completion it uses
ftp to get the directory listing then figures out just how far to got in
completing the filename itself - IOW not by relying on any software
running on the remote machine).

So ncftp would solve his problem, except that I suspect, since he's
using sftp he's concerned about security and wants his ftp session
encrypted(?). If that be the case then I'm not sure that ncftp encrypts
the traffic.

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