Damien wrote:
> Hi,
> Before reinstalling cygwin I can compile iroffer without any problem:
> http://iroffer.org/archive/v1.2/prereleases/iroffer-20030829205131.tgz
> I reinstall cygwin (default install and Under devel: binutils, gcc, make
> Under libs: crypt, regex)

No need to bother with regex. Read its description!

> Now, I have a problem with configure. It did not find standard library
> as you can see :
> Checking for regcomp()... Missing. ***ERROR***: couldn't find regcomp()

> Is there a problem with the fresh install of cygwin ?

More info needed. The configure output doesn't look autoconfy, but
presumably it left some log you can look at for more info?


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