On Mon, 08 Sep 2003 01:14:38 -0700, Brian Dessent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> set completion-ignore-case on
>This goes in $HOME/.inputrc since it's a GNU readline parameter, not a
>shell setting.
Solved thanx

>> The following alias causes the shell to exit if there are two many
>> files x*, can I set more memory is there a workaround? (or should I be
>> using XARGS?
>> alias vewx='gvim.exe `l\s -t c:/aaa/x* | head -1 ` &'
>I can't reproduce that, what do you mean it exits?  Your shell window
>closes?  Do these files that match the glob have spaces or any other
>weird characters?

I run CygWin from a Dos Window, if I get the above problem, I get a
message "logout" . 

But hold on problem seems to have gone way?!?


vim -c ":%s/^/WhfgTNabgureRIvzSUnpxre/|:%s/[R-T]/ /Ig|:normal ggVGg?"

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