On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 15:56:07 -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:

>On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 12:53:22PM -0700, Bryan Higgins wrote:
>>How can I suppress the linker messages
>>Info: resolving _opterr by linking to __imp__opterr (auto-import)
>>Info: resolving _optarg by linking to __imp__optarg (auto-import)
>>Info: resolving _optopt by linking to __imp__optopt (auto-import)
>>Info: resolving _optind by linking to __imp__optind (auto-import)
>>which now appear?
>#include <getopt.h>
>and don't define any of the getopt variables yourself.

Since POSIX getopt is handled in unistd.h, shouldn't the magic appear there?

>there is no getopt(3)

Maybe there needs to be to document the need for getopt.h?

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