Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 07:07:54PM -0700, Jim Kleckner wrote:

Is it possible the java code simply wasn't configured to build?
All of the java headers are missing.

Christopher Faylor wrote:

I've moved all of the latest gcc stuff out of "test" and into "current".
This is the standard gcc 3.3.1 release from + patches from
Danny Smith and (to a vastly lesser extent) me.  If you are interested
in checking these sources out of gcc's cvs repository, the branch tag is
cygming331.  But, please, no questions about where to go or how to do
that on the cygwin list.  Go to for that kind of info.


There were vague reports of gcj being broken during the gcc test period
but I never saw a true bug report for this.  Since I'm not a java user,
I can only provide this as-is.

Here are the things I looked at:

So, you checked everything but the release announcement which said:

"There were vague reports of gcj being broken during the gcc test period
but I never saw a true bug report for this.  Since I'm not a java user,
I can only provide this as-is."

I see.  You only appeared to invite investigation.
This gcc announcement page that I referenced in my first email
said nothing about gcj or java problems.
I did substantial searching, downloading and recompiling.
But all you can do is to write it off with a flip comment.

These kinds of responses are very discouraging to people

who want to help.

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