Mark Thornton wrote:

So, based on my testing, I would conclude that the infamous cygwin rsync hang bug was introduced somewhere in the coding for 2.4.6. As for myself, I plan to go ahead and just use version 2.4.0, as it is the most recent version of rsync that worked for all three tests. If I can be of any more help, including testing patches, please let me know.

Can you suggest a download source for 2.4.0? I have only been able to find 2.4.6, 2.5.6-1 and 2.5.6-2. By the way were either of your machines dual processors (or hyperthreaded)?

rsync ftp site -

And one of my machines is dual processored. However, the machine that I did all of my testing on was a normal Pentium-4 laptop. No hyperthreading, I think...


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